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Home arrow A center at your service arrow Discover diving arrow First dive
First dive and underwater world discovery

An individual instructor accompanies you during all the diving time . 

communication by signs

You will have your first dive near the dive center on sites having a depth from 3 to 7 meters and accessible by boat. They begin with a small initiation with the communication signs and some essential concepts to discover the underwater world in all serenity. The descent with your particular instructor is very progressive.


Acompagnement par une moniteur de plongée certifié
An instructor accompanies you all the time


The instructor goes down while holding you by the hand. Staying close to his trainee, he can intervene immediatly in case of difficulty. He checks that all things goes well throughout the diving and manages  for you all the process.





découverte de la faune marines sur des récifs à faible profondeur
We choose site rich in fauna


During the first dive you will go down a few meters depth and then explore the rocks in full safety and discover fauna. The  young Léo, 14 years old,  made his first dive and will have an inforgettable memory  of his meeting with fishes.




After this first dive, we deliver a diploma in memory of his amazing discovery. Usually we take some photographs underwater allowing you to share the memory of this first dive with your friend and family.


Les baptêmes peuvent se pratiquer dès l'age de 7 ans
An unforgettable experience rich in sensations

This first dive can be one of an initiation discovery course or PADI Open water if you want to go on with this activity.

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